That's Rod Markus from Rare Tea Cellar. Some of the posts here recently — about his teas, about Chas Kroll's event, etc. — have been by-products of a story I've been preparing for the Chicago Sun-Times, which finally published today — read it here! It's a long one, about what it means to be a tea master or a tea sommelier. As you'll see, few of them have any formal education in tea; they drink, they learn. And now they have the coolest jobs on the planet. (OK, next to Tim Gunn.) Also, enjoy the lovely photography of three different Sun-Times shooters in the photo gallery.
14 years ago
The Newspaper story is endearing because this Markus fellow loves his Pu-erh. Is that what he's pouring in the picture here? Because if it is he's doing the right thing. Drinking that Pu-erh. --Spirituality of Tea